
The Consortium Of Foundation Mathematics Models Pdf

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GAIMME Spanish Edition
Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education

La esperanza y visión compartida del Consorcio para las Matemáticas y sus Aplicaciones (COMAP) y la Sociedad de Matemáticas Industriales y Aplicadas (SIAM) es que este informe motiva a la comunidad educativa a hacer un lugar para el modelado matemático en el currículo, desde prekínder hasta niveles de pregrado. Además, se reconoce y se nutre el valor y la importancia de las habilidades necesarias para ejecutar el modelado matemático de manera eficaz (pensamiento lógico, resolución de problemas, análisis de sensibilidad y comunicación, por nombrar algunos).  Aprende más

Guidelines for Assessment and Instruction in Mathematical Modeling Education

The shared hope and vision of the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) is that this report motivates the educational community to make a place for mathematical modeling in curriculum, from pre-K through undergraduate levels. Further, that the value and importance of the skills required to execute math modeling effectively - logical thinking, problem solving, sensitivity analysis, and communication to name a few - are recognized and nurtured.  Learn More

The Value of Computational Thinking across Grade Levels 9-12 (VCTAL)

VCTAL is developing a set of instructional modules and mini-modules for use in high school classrooms to help cultivate a facility with computational thinking in students across different grade levels and subject areas.

What is computational thinking?
Computational thinking is a high level thought process that considers the world in computational terms. It begins with learning to see opportunities to compute something and relates to mathematical thinking in its use of abstraction, decomposition, measurement and modeling, but is more directly cognizant of the need to compute and the potential benefits of doing so.  Learn More

What is the BioMath Connection (BMC) Project?

BMC was a pioneering project linking biology and mathematics in the high schools. It provided an opportunity for high school teachers, writers, researchers, and others to get in on the ground floor of developing innovative classroom materials. The materials consist of 20 modules that can be flexibly adapted for use in a variety of courses at a variety of grade levels in both biology and mathematics. The project was run by DIMACS at Rutgers University in collaboration with the Consortium for Mathematics and its Applications (COMAP) and Colorado State University (CSU).  Learn More

 Consortium , published twice a year and available electronically, blends contemporary teaching activities with commentaries, articles and contests to bring the excitement of mathematical modeling to high school classrooms. Each issue contains the Pull-Out section, a reproducible classroom activity centered on a real-world modeling problem. Recent Pull-Out lessons have modeled a wide range of topics including the genetics of sickle cell anemia and the accuracy of the Patriot Missile System.

Starting with issue 104 COMAP has decided to make the Consortium available as a free download.  Learn More

Projecting Forward: Learnings From Educational Systemic Reform

The National Science Foundation (NSF) initiated the design and provided the support for comprehensive complex system-wide reform of science, mathematics, and technology teaching and learning. The effort was achieved through four programs: the Statewide Systemic Initiatives (SSI), the Urban Systemic Initiatives (USI; focused on the 25 largest urban public school districts), the Local Systemic Initiatives, and the Rural Systemic Initiatives (RSI; consortia of rural school districts in a specific geographic domain), and, over time, the NSF Comprehensive Regional Centers for Minorities Program.  Learn More

Math Trails
A mathematics trail is a walk to discover mathematics. A math trail can be almost anywhere—a neighborhood, a business district or shopping mall, a park, a zoo, a library, even a government building. The math trail map or guide points to places where walkers formulate, discuss, and solve interesting mathematical problems. Anyone can walk a math trail alone, with the family, or with another group. Walkers cooperate along the trail as they talk about the problems. There's no competition or grading. At the end of the math trail they have the pleasure of having walked the trail and of having done some interesting mathematics. Everyone, no matter what age, gets an "I Walked the Math Trail" button to wear.

This book is a guide to blazing a math trail. We'll review the history of math trails and discuss their attributes. We'll also discuss practical issues of organization and logistics in setting up and maintaining a math trail. We'll discuss mathematical issues in choosing and describing problems and tasks along a trail. And we'll also describe a variety of specific examples of trails and of problems.  Learn More

FREE course material A Course in Financial Mathematics

This is a free course in financial mathematics for upper high school and undergraduate students, with emphasis on personal finance. Teachers can make their own selections. Some of the lessons are articles published in various journals. Some are unpublished. This collection contains over forty lessons. A teacher can simply download and print a PDF, make copies, distribute them to students, and teach the lesson.  Learn More

Materials Of The American-Russian Workshop

The present publication comprises a collection of articles by the participants in the Russian-American workshop "Current Issues in Mathematics Education," which took place on November 18-20, 2016 in New York. The workshop was organized with support from the Eurasia Foundation in the form of a grant presented to the Moscow State Pedagogical University and Teachers College, Columbia University.  Learn More

Statistical Modeling With SPSS

Statistics and Mathematical Modeling at the graduate level. This text has been used to prepare students for the International Contest in Mathematical Modeling and for mini-courses for college and university faculty interested in innovating mathematical modeling programs. Statistical Modeling with SPSS was sponsored by the National Science Foundation. A distinguished advisory council and team of editors assisted with concepts and editorial suggestions throughout the book's development. They will be acknowledged at the conclusion of the preface.  Learn More

Mathematical and Computational Methods for Planning a Sustainable Future (PS-Future)

PS-Future is an exploratory project examining the potential for interdisciplinary modules to attract a diverse population of learners to STEM disciplines by engaging them in sustainability topics of broad personal relevance and provide an awareness of STEM educational opportunities and career paths related to sustainable living. The modules under development are on Passive Solar Building Design and Weather Generators.  Learn More

The Hot Dog Stand Location Problem

A map shows the walking paths and dormitories in a section of campus and the approximate distances (in 100 feet) between locations. Your roommate has convinced you to open a hot dog stand on weekends at one of the intersections along the walkways. You would like the stand to be as convenient as possible for the students. Where on campus should you set up your stand?  Learn More

The Suez Canal

In the Suez Canal Problem, we consider the real-world, multimillion dollar question of traffic flow through the Suez Canal. The Suez Canal is 193 kilometers long, 300–365 meters wide, and 21 meters deep.

The number of ships desiring passage through the canal is essentially the same in both directions in each 24-hour period. The region of the canal available for ship travel is approximately 169 meters in width.

This is not enough to allow simultaneous travel in both directions. As a result, the ships must travel in convoys either North-South or South-North.  Learn More

The Blood Testing Problem

Suppose that you have a large population you wish to test for a certain characteristic in their blood or urine (for example, testing all NCAA athletes for steroid use or all US military personnel for a particular disease). Each test will be either positive or negative.

In this problem, we are assuming that there are no false positive or false negative tests. Since the number of individuals to be tested is quite large, we can expect that the cost of testing will also be large. How can we reduce the number of tests needed and thereby reduce the costs?  Learn More

The Consortium Of Foundation Mathematics Models Pdf


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